Withdrawal Notification


Please complete this form if you are leaving Westminster for any reason prior to graduation. Upon submission of this form, we will notify the Dean of Students of your desire to withdraw from WTS. 

If you are simply looking to withdraw from an individual course after the add/drop period, please email Student Success.

General Information

Withdrawal Request

Your submission of this form affirms that you understand you are still responsible for completing all coursework for this semester Your effective withdrawal date will be the last day of exams for the specified term.

Your submission of this form affirms that you understand you will be withdrawn from all courses for which you are currently registered. If you request to withdraw after the deadline to withdraw from courses, you will receive an F grade for each course. Your effective withdrawal date will be the date the Academic Affairs office receives this completed form.

Withdrawal, Reinstatement and Readmission Policies

Policy Confirmation: I have reviewed the policies in the Academic Catalog regarding Withdrawal, Reinstatement, and Readmission.