If extenuating circumstances (unusual and unavoidable circumstances which hinder completion of assigned work) prohibit a student from completing a course on time, a grade of "Incomplete" may be granted. Please remember that an incomplete will only be granted to students who are facing unforeseen and substantial hardships.
An incomplete request for reason of disability will be granted with medical documentation of the disability on record with the Dean of Students at the beginning of the semester in which the Incomplete is requested.To petition for a grade of "Incomplete":
- Submit the below form, explaining your need for an incomplete. Upon submission of this form, a request will be sent to the professor seeking approval.
- If approval is granted, you will be assigned a new deadline, up to a maximum of four weeks from the last day of examinations or original assignment deadline to complete all work.
- The completed work must be submitted to the Academic Affairs Office, not the professor.
- At the professor's discretion, the grade will or will not be reduced.
The student's final grade for the course will be assigned by the professor.
If the Academic Affairs Office does not receive all completed work by the new deadline, a failing grade of "F" will be assigned. No incompletes will be granted for classes taken in the spring semester of a student's graduating year.